Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Awakening/Reviving/Reanimating

I woke up this past Monday morning, the very day after Easter, feeling somehow… alive.  Like a bear coming out of hibernation.  No… more like a spring flower emerging from the snow to bloom.  No, really… quite a lot like I imagine a person would feel returning from the dead.  Suddenly I could move.  And accomplish stuff.  And think!  I could contemplate actually doing the things I had longed to do all winter, but did not have the ability: visiting friends, blogging, doing anything more than slogging through part-time work (wonderful as it is, and wonderful as my co-workers are, it has been physically all I could manage), and best of all: once again having cognitive functions.  Yay, cognitive functions!

I can’t imagine that it’s the spring – boy, that would suck, seeing as we have winter every single year around here.

This past winter was one of, well, deep hibernation.  Healing from within.  Rest and recuperation.  And suddenly… here I am, world!

Here I am, me.  It is so nice to be me again.

1 comment:

  1. Oh. Cheryl had an insight into what might have made a difference. I was not taking my Shaklee vitamins all winter, and recently resumed taking them.

    To be fair, I also have a new bed (a month or two old). A Sleep Number. It is awesome.

    And I have been seeing a chiropractor because at one point this winter I couldn't even walk - or stand, or even crawl. Yeah, it was that bad (a lot of it had to do with my crappy old bed). BUT! Dr. Sheila Amon of Kensington Chiropractic in Kensington, MD... she's "da bomb." Got me out of the walker in a week and a half, and a few days later had me off the cane.

    Then my bed arrived. Then I took my vitamins. Then the sun came out... and so did I. :)
